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Praise as One

Candellight Carol 烛光颂 VERSE 1 How do you capture the wind on the water? How do you count all the stars in the sky? How do you measure the...

诗歌:For All the Saints(众圣歌)
VERSE 1 For all the saints who from their labors rest, who thee by faith before the world confessed, thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest....

诗歌:Hark I Hear the Harp Eternal(听!那永恒琴声)
VERSE 1 Hark, I hear the harps eternal Ringing on the farther shore, As I near those swollen waters With their deep and solemn roar....

诗歌:Where Shall I Be?(我何处去?)
VERSE 1 When Judgment day is drawing nigh Where shall I be When God the work of men shall try Where shall I be When east and west the...

诗歌:Immovable, Our Hope Remains(我等盼望不可动摇)
VERSE 1 Immovable our hope remains Though shifting sands before us lie The One who washed away our stains Shall bear us safely to the...

诗歌:Sing We A Song of Emmanuel(我们来欢唱以马内利)
VERSE 1 Sing we the song of Emmanuel This the Christ who was long foretold Lo in the shadows of Bethlehem Promise of dawn now our eyes...

VERSE 1 From the squalor of a borrowed stable By the Spirit and a virgin's faith To the anguish and the shame of scandal Came the Savior...

诗歌:Thanks Be to Our God(感谢归于神)
VERSE 1 For the road that leads from darkness into light; For the hope that rescuers from endless night; For the grace that covers sin,...

诗歌:All my boast is in Jesus(我所夸惟独耶稣)
我所夸惟独耶稣 All my boast is in Jesus VERSE 1 What wonder of wonders, what love is this That Christ would die for me His goodness, His merit,...

诗歌:Jesus Calms the Storm(主平静风浪)
主平静风浪 VERSE 1 When my heart is filled with fear Like a stormy sky Jesus says “be not afraid” He is at my side 我心中充滿恐惧,好像暴风雨;...

诗歌:Lo he comes in clouds descending(看,祂驾云降临)
VERSE 1 Lo he comes in clouds descending, Once for favored sinner slain! Thousand, thousand saints attending Swell the triumph of his...

诗歌:The Lord Almighty Reigns(全能主作王)
VERSE 1 There’s an endless song Waiting to be sung With the voice of every tribe The sound of every tongue When the bride of Christ On...

诗歌:God the Uncreated One(独一非被造之神)
God the Uncreated One 独一非被造之神 VERSE 1 God the Uncreated One The author of salvation Who wrote the laws of space and time And fashioned...

Gloryland 荣耀之地 VERSE 1 If you have friends in Gloryland Who left because of pain, Thank God up there, they’ll die no more They’ll suffer...

诗歌:Lord have Mercy(求主垂怜)
VERSE 1 For what we have done and left undone We fall on Your countless mercies For sins that are known and those unknown We call on Your...

诗歌:Come unto Jesus(来就近耶稣)
VERSE 1 Come unto Jesus, all you who are weary Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel Here bring your wounded heart, broken and needy...

诗歌:Christ the Ture and Better (基督更美)
VERSE 1 Christ, the true and better Adam Son of God and Son of man Who, when tempted in the garden Never yielded, never sinned He, who...

诗歌:Our God Will Go Before Us(神必在前引导)
第一段 神必在前引导我们,显明祂同在恩典, 祂的应许何等稳固,我们一路不孤独。 Our God will go before us And guide us by His presence What confidence this promise is We will...

诗歌:I am not my own(我不属自己)
第一段 创造诸天至高神,造我心我灵, 我还在母腹中,已蒙祂爱护; 我是神的创造,神完美的杰作, 愿祂一切旨意,都成就于我。 The one who made the heavens made my heart and soul Before I drew a breath,...

诗歌:Rise my soul, the Lord is risen(我灵振奋,主已复活)
VERSE 1 Rise my soul, the Lord is risen Come behold the empty grave See the place where darkness laid Him Sing for only hope remains...

诗歌:Christus Victor(基督,得胜者)
第一段 / VERSE 1 O Most High, King of the ages, Great I AM, God of wonders, By the blood you have redeemed us, led us through mighty waters,...

诗歌:I will call upon the Lord (我要呼求我的主)
第一段 我要呼求我的主, 祂配受一切称颂, 祂必救我脱离仇敌手。 I will call upon the Lord Who is worthy to be praised. So shall I be saved from my enemies. 副歌...

诗歌:Christ Be Glorified(愿基督得荣耀)
(第一段) 耶稣,罪人朋友,祢是恩典之光; 祢本为善,毫无瑕,是我喜乐之源。 [Verse 1] Jesus friend of sinners Crowned with grace and light You are good in all Your ways...

诗歌:Come thou fount of every blessing(万福泉源)
撒母耳将一块石头立在米斯巴和善的中间,给石头起名叫以便以谢,说:到如今耶和华都帮助我们。(撒上7:12) VERSE 1 全能上帝万福泉源,求使我心常赞美。 主赐恩典如水长流,我们高声颂恩典。 求主教我唱诗和谐,犹如天使颂主前。 仰望我神赞祂恩典,救赎之爱永不变。 1....

诗歌:The Lord is my salvation(耶和华是我拯救)
救恩出于耶和华。(拿2:9) VERSE 1 神奇妙恩典临到我,领我脱离世间风暴, 我得安稳,站立磐石上,耶和华是我拯救。 The grace of God has reached for me, And pulled me from a raging sea, And I...

诗歌:I Know That My Redeemer Lives(我知道我救赎主活着)
VERSE 1 I know that my Redeemer lives Glory, Hallelujah! What comfort this sweet sentence gives Glory, Hallelujah! 我知道我救赎主活着, 荣耀,哈利路亚!...

诗歌:Behold, Our God(仰望我们神)
到那日,人必说:看哪,这是我们的神。我们素来等候祂,祂必拯救我们。这是耶和华,我们素来等候祂,我们必因祂的救恩欢喜快乐。(赛25:9) VERSE 1 谁曾用手掌握住海洋?谁曾计算海沙的数量? 万国万民听主声战栗,宇宙万物扬声同欢唱。 Who has held the...

诗歌:Facing a Task Unfinished(未竟的使命)
VERSE 1 面对未竟的使命,我们屈膝主前; 未曾消减的需求,责我们贪逸心; 认识救主真欢欣,宝座前被更新; 向祢庄严立心志,去传扬祢的名。 Facing a task unfinished, That drives us to our knees A need...

诗歌:Not in me(不在于我)
VERSE 1 标榜自己过犯甚少,宣扬自己追求良善, 夸耀自己行为更正,都不能使我蒙悦纳。 No list of sins I have not done, No list of virtues I pursue, No list of those I am not...

诗歌:Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor(基督是锚)
VERSE 1 基督是锚,坚固牢靠,虽暴风肆虐狂啸; 怀疑之风,席卷横扫,风帆全毁船飘摇; 逼迫患难,愁苦忧伤,当盼望沉没渺茫; 我要专心依靠这锚,它稳固永不动摇; Christ the sure and steady anchor, in the fury of the...

诗歌:Dear Refuge of My Weary Soul(灵魂避难所)
VERSE 1 疲惫灵魂求主收藏,救我出离汪洋; 世间愁苦虽多凄凉,你是唯一亮光。 心中悲怆向主表示,惟赖圣手医治, 甜美圣言丰富恩赐,一切苦痛消止。 Dear refuge of my weary soul, On Thee, when sorrows rise, On...

诗歌:Come Thou Almighty King(三一来临歌)
VERSE 1 恳求圣父来临,助我们赞美主名 敬献心声, 惟主无上尊荣,惟主完全得胜 求主统治我们,万古之神! Come, thou Almighty King, help us thy name to sing, help us to praise. Father,...

诗歌:Christ is Mine Forevermore(基督属我到永远)
VERSE 1 我的年日,神已数算; 我受造,与祂同行; 但我寻求世间珍宝, 丢弃主——万王之王。 Mine are days that God has numbered, I was made to walk with him. Yet I look for...

诗歌:Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery(看那奥秘何等奇妙)
VERSE 1 看那奥秘何等奇妙,万有君王降世上; 祂本在天,万口颂扬,却虚己取人模样。 黑夜漫漫,万民渴望,生命之光今照耀; 看哪基督,舍弃君尊,道成肉身赎我们。 Come behold the wondrous mystery In the dawning of the...

VERSE 1 看祂在耶路撒冷, 蹒跚穿过人潮, 曾簇拥祂的街道, 今喊钉祂十架。 何软弱孤单的人, 背着沉重的十架, 看祂行走在耶稣撒冷, 在救我们的路上。 See Him in Jerusalem Walking where the crowds are Once...

诗歌:Jerusalem, My happy home(福乐天乡)
VERSE 1 Jerusalem, my happy home, When shall I come to thee? When shall my sorrows have an end? Thy joys, when shall I see? 耶路撒冷,福乐天乡,...

诗歌:Soldiers of Christ, in truth arrayed(基督精兵,稳立真道)
VERSE 1 基督精兵,稳立真道 破败世界,需你扶援; 罪恶带来:毁灭死亡; 救主流血,恩典显彰。 Soldiers of Christ, in truth arrayed, A world in ruins needs your aid: A world by sin...

诗歌:Jesus Shall Reign(耶稣普治)
VERSE 1 日头所照天下万邦, 耶稣必为统治君王, 祂国度展开无边疆, 千秋万代永不更改。 Jesus shall reign where’er the sun Does his successive journeys run; His kingdom stretch...

诗歌:And Can it Be(奇异的爱)
VERSE 1 怎能如此像我这样罪人, 也蒙宝血救赎大恩? 主为我受痛苦鞭伤, 也为我死在十架上? 奇异的爱,怎能如此, 我主我神,竟为我死。 奇异的爱,怎能如此, 我主我神,竟为我死。 And can it be that I should gain An...
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